[Fredslist] Seeking National Arts Club contact

Tom Fuld & Newelle McDonald newelletom at aol.com
Sat Apr 21 18:06:20 EDT 2012

Hello Gotham,
I am fairly new gotham member, not so "fresh fish", but still new and needing some of Gotham's renowned magic! My wife, Newelle and I were married twenty years ago this May31st at the National Arts Club. At that time we were referred in by a member who was also a friend and neighbor of ours. She has since died and we do not have a contact with a member who could help us to have a 20th anniversary celebration in the clubs private dining room. It is not that we would not pay, but only members can eat at or refer others as their guests to eat at the club. Thus, the urgent need to find a National Arts Club member.
If you have any contacts, please let me know, via e-mail or phone @ 212-228-1719. We would greatly appreciate the help.
With regard & hope,
Tom Fuld

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