[Fredslist] Ariel's latest update: Good news! Awaiting more progress... And an honest blog

Rona Wexler rona at wexler-consulting.com
Thu Apr 5 11:32:04 EDT 2012

To all my dear Gothamites,  Your interest, expressions of concern, support and strength touch us deeply and we are most grateful even when we can't respond to each one.  So here is the latest.....Rona Wexler
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Good news! And an honest blog

Hello everyone.  I hope you are enjoying our delicious spring!

Today's update reviews some good news.  Many of you know that Ariel is one of ten patients (all with rare cancers) selected for a drug trial at the MD Anderson Cancer center in Houston, TX.  A world renowned cancer research and treatment center that has achieved amazing results with cutting edge treatments.  We were so energized and thrilled when she flew down there on Feb. 22nd! After a slow start, in the 1st three weeks,  Ariel's tumor shrunk from 1.45cm to 1.0cm, yes a 35% shrinkage!  Amazing, heartening, exciting!  Continued progress is not quite there, not yet.

Shrinkage rolled to a stop. Plateaued.  Her medical team sharply increased her dosage to kick that last tenacious centimeter.  This brings intense and prolonged side effects -more difficult and relentless than all prior chemo treatments.  Ariel is hanging in and poised for the next leap forward, still keeping up spirits and determination. She is comforted by the extraordinary efforts of her medical team. Her weight is better at about 100+lbs!

Ariel hesitated about her recent blog -  that it would be a "downer," but her honesty is straightforward and no pity-party. Educating people about cancer is her goal for the blog. Check it out.

We look forward to welcoming her home by end of April - with new strength and the tumor completely dissolved.  But the exact date is to be determined.

This weekend many of us gather together with community and family to celebrate Easter, Passover or simply the earth renewing itself in a beautiful Spring.  May we ask that you take a moment to celebrate with thanks for the good health and blessings given to you and yours and add prayers of healing for Ariel's rapid and complete recovery.  Thanks to all of you for your concern and words of comfort and encouragement even when I can't respond to them all.  Your positive energy is in the air and we feel it!

Because you continue to ask, here is info about the fund Ariel's friends established to help her meet her medical expenses (We could not put together a 501c3 so it's not tax deductible).
Checks can be made out to:
2011 Ariel Fixler Supplemental Needs Trust
c/o Rona Wexler
15900 Riverside Dr. W. Apt. 1K, New York, NY 10032

Rona E. Wexler, M.A., ABVE/D
Expert Assessments of Earning Capacity & Employability
           Family Law & Employment Litigation
(646) 335-5236 rona at wexler-consulting.com<mailto:rona at wexler-consulting.com>
Wexler Vocational and Career Services
15900 Riverside Dr. W, Suite 1K
New York, NY 10032-1042
Fax: (815) 366-8024



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Wexler-Consulting | 15900 Riverside Dr W #6C | New York | NY | 10032

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