[Fredslist] Facebook, Google+ and Social Media Threats

Raj Goel, CISSP raj at brainlink.com
Wed Sep 28 18:25:01 EDT 2011


      If you've already jumped onto Google+, or are thinking about 
joining, you might want to STOP, THINK and then DECIDE.


In the EU, the citizens own their data.  In the US, the corporations 
own the data.

If you ask Facebook profile data in the US, you’ll get laughed at.
If you live in the EU however, you can request a copy of your profile 
data and Facebook is legally obligated to send it to you.

www.Europe-v-Facebook.org  is documenting the data that Facebook is 
releasing to EU users – from 192 pages to 800 pages PER person.

>From E-V-F:
Every  person in the EU has the right to access all the data that a 
company is  holding about him/her. You can find out how to access your 
facebook data on the page “your data…”. After we got the first 
response by facebook it was clear to us that we had to publish this 
information online. By doing so, we want to make facebook more 
transparent and show every user which data facebook is holding about 

There is more Data.  Many groups of data are not included in this 
first set of data we got from facebook. For example data concerning 
the “like”-function, tracking  on other webpages, face 
recognition, videos, postings on other users walls, indicators for the 
intensity of relationships, tags that werde removes and many more were 
so far not disclosed by facebook.

via europe-v-facebook.org.

>From public statements, and my analysis of Google+, it's even worse 
(from a Privacy and Security perspective) than Facebook.


Rajesh Goel, CISSP
cell (917) 685-7731
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
You run your business, and leave the IT to us.
raj at brainlink.com

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