[Fredslist] New Adventures in Zinderland; TWs foray to a Gotham Outpost

Corey Bearak Bearak at aol.com
Fri Sep 23 15:33:48 EDT 2011

So on the return from the latest Traveling Willburys jaunt to Princeton and Mediterra Restaurant, I compose this commentary on our visit with Gotham's Princeton Group chaired by Josh Zinder and coordinated ably by Karen Nathan.

As usual, wheelman Mitch Tobol drove so well I paid no attention from my seat behind the shotgun-seated tribal leader.  We departed on time from my the parking lot for my pool and my Y.

The highlight -- besides the banter on the way -- sort of the chatter that might occur on a boys & girls night out -- for me anyway remains the opportunity to meet other Gothamites and prospective fresh fish.

I suspect the highlight for everyone else but the tribal leader who already viewed it was Gotham webmaster Mitch Tobol's presentation on the new website.  I will share this  for the the non-GC and non-chairs, and those not present this afternoon: When it goes "public" in the new year, the new 21st Century Gotham website will really provide a useful tool for Gotham members; I know Mitch will feel better if more members make use of it.

Princeton members are a fun group and I recommend a visit.  And if the weather is better than we experienced, arrive early and then take in the town.  We endured the rain and with umbrellas and rain gear, we enjoyed a pre-meeting walking tour of the town just across from the university campus.

Even the non-business discussions before the formal meetings were really cool. Attorney Jared Witt commented on one of my posts that linked to a Buffalo Springfield concert earlier this year; Financial Planner Irv Urken then mentioned he liked the band and his wife attended high school with the one and only "boss"  (remember are in Jersey).  I made notes on their cards to email them the info for Springfield co-founder (with Neil Young and Stephen Stills) Richie Furay's November 12 concert at the TBJ Sanctuary in Short Hills, NJ.

After the meet-up, I enjoyed a stimulating chat with architect and construction manager Cary Spiegel on the impacts of the City's Department of Building on the development process.  I hope I educated Cary just a bistle.

And by the way, this is a very special day for me in Gotham.  Two years back - to the day, at an Israeloff CLE, ably coordinated by Lisa Waterman, there were three speakers -- all of whom I later learned were involved in Gotham,  One spoke during the seminar of his softball prowess and coaching ball as well.  Since I had an interest, played that game rather successfully and coached more than a dozen years and was fortunate enough to coach young ladies --including my daughter -- talented enough to win a few championships, I decided to chat with that softball-loving attorney.  He asked me what I do; i explained; he turns and says something to Lisa about whether Gotham had anyone who did what I do (I prefer not to use the one-word description).  The rest is history.

Above comments have been moderated and approved by seatmate Cindy Somma

Corey B. Bearak, Esq.
Government & Public Affairs Counselor
P.O. Box 135, Glen Oaks, NY 11004
(718) 343-6779 ♦ facsimile (888) 379-3492
Bearak at aol.com ♦ CoreyBearak.com ♦ Bearak on Twitter
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