[Fredslist] Annabella Gonzalez Dance Theater Gala Tomorrow Night

Sharon Klein sklein at skgd.net
Mon Oct 24 13:57:51 EDT 2011

If you enjoy modern dance, this group is very talented.

also the wine tastings from Moore Brothers Wine Company is unique –  
they source their wines directly, working with artisan winegrowers  
inFrance, Italy, and Germany.  and they provide customers with  
traditional, authentic, and natural wines that taste here in the US,  
exactly as they taste at the winery.

so two for one plus Mexican finger food.

sharon klein

sharon klein graphic design  | 41 union square west, suite 705 | new  
york, ny 10003
  p 212.645.8163 | f 212.645.8168 | sklein at skgd.net | www.skgd.net

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