Joel Schnur joel at schnurassociates.com
Mon Oct 24 14:59:29 EDT 2011



What do you do with all those books when someone in your family dies or is
moving and you're cleaning out the apartment/house?


I received a call from one of my overseas clients last week. Her Manhattan
brother-in-law, a bachelor and a Conservative rabbi (no connection),  had
died awhile ago and they just sold his apartment and now had to clean it out
by the next week. They planned on shipping most of his furniture and
selected books from his extensive library to their home in Israel but there
still were loads of other books. They were especially concerned that the
books that they weren't taking (or giving to me) would end up in the
garbage, which would have been totally disrespectful for those who value
books and especially disrespectful for his religious and Judaica collection.
While we found some charities that would take a bunch of the books there
still a lot that couldn't find a home.


So my friend Yaakov comes to the rescue and drives in from Brooklyn and
fills up his station wagon with whatever was left and they will either be
given away or properly disposed of-burial in a Jewish cemetery. 


So, if this ever happens to you shoot me an email and Yaakov will arrange to
pick everything up, no fee involved. And he assures me that he will take all
kinds of books in whatever language, except pornography, and make sure they
do not meet an ignominious death. 


Now that is a true lover of books. 


All the best.





Joel Schnur

Senior VP

Government Affairs/Public Relations

Schnur Associates, Inc.

1350 Avenue of the Americas

Suite 1200

New York, NY 10019


Tel. 212-489-0600 x204

Fax. 212-489-0203 

joel at schnurassociates.com 

www.schnurassociates.com <http://www.schnurassociates.com/>  


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