[Fredslist] Kudos to Josh Zinder -- Thanks to Marc Halpert for organizing this!

John Seiffer john at betterceo.com
Mon Oct 17 08:00:15 EDT 2011

I have to echo all the comments about the HighLine walk. Josh did a great
job of explaining the history of the line - along with some old photos on
his ipad that he shared. Then he told us about the different sections of the
walk - along with why different plants were put in at different locations,
and why the walk was designed the way it is.

And of course he explained the architecture in the area - much of which
would not be where it is, or would not look like it does if the Highline
were not there. So we learned about the effect on the city past, present and
even some things that will be happening in the future. He even had a handout
for us with several of the buildings pictured.

Also thanks to Marc Halpert for coordinating it all.

John Seiffer
business advisor
helping business owners become better CEOs

203-775-6676 | john at betterceo.com

On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Rona Wexler <rona at wexler-consulting.com>wrote:

>  This glorious Sunday began with an intriguing, insightful and really fun
> tour of the NYC Highline for the Gotham tribe and guests.  Are you like me
> -- I’ve been meaning to get there, but just never did?  I’m glad I waited
> for the Josh Zinder tour.  WELL worth the early rising on a Sunday. Can’t
> thank Josh Zinder enough for sharing his knowledge, vision and expertise
> (Gotham’s own incredibly talented – and incredibly modest- architect) on the
> design of and architecture surrounding the Highline.  It keeps changing an
> developing so it’s worth many repeat visits.  And we took in views of New
> York I’d never seen. Can’t wait to return at sunset / dusk when the light
> changes and lights come on.****
> ** **
> Josh, hats off to you for coming all the way from Princeton on a Sunday to
> share your knowledge and enthusiasm & letting us to see another side of New
> York.  It was great fun to be in the company of so many eager Gothamites
> enjoying the tour.  Thank you Marc for so efficiently and carefully pulling
> this together. A very special Sunday!****
> ** **
> Rona****
> Rona E. Wexler, M.A., ABVE/D****
> *Diplomate, American Board of Vocational Experts*
> *T: (646) 335-5236     **efax: **(815) 366-8024*
> *rona at wexler-consulting.com  *
> *www.wexler-consulting.com*
> 15900 Riverside Dr. W Suite 6C, New York, NY 10032-1041****
> *It's not what you are that holds you back, it's what you think you're
> not.***
> ** **
> ** **
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