[Fredslist] NYS Bar Exam tutor

Phyllis E. Dubrow pdubrow at pipeline.com
Tue Nov 15 12:36:53 EST 2011

I  don't know about a tutor, but I'm a product of Pieper Bar Review and will
be happy to give you chapter and verse on why it's the way to go.  John
Pieper has a brilliant technique that works.  He makes clear that it's as
much about test-taking as it is about knowing the substantive law.  


I was 44 when I took his course - Yikes! -- and I'm 65 now.  I still
attribute to him most of what I know.  Or remember, anyway.


Phyllis E. Dubrow

Attorney at Law

60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600 | New York, New York  10165-0043

T: (212) 661-2885 \ F: (212) 409-8682 \ E: pdubrow at pipeline.com







From: Rick Raymond [mailto:rickraymond at focusedbusinessleader.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2011 11:59 AM
To: Fred's List
Cc: Steve Caccavo
Subject: [Fredslist] NYS Bar Exam tutor


A friend and colleague is looking for a NYS Bar Exam tutor for his daughter.
If you have experience with one, and can fully recommend them please email
me and Steve back.


Best regards,


Rick Raymond

Richard Raymond Associates, Inc.

Succession Planning, Family Dynamics, Leadership Performance &

Entrepreneurial Development 

In Family Businesses 




New York, NY . 212-777-0083


Read my article in the New York Enterprise Report magazine, and listen to my
blogtalk radio interview on family businesses.


 <http://tobtr.com/s/1394737> http://tobtr.com/s/1394737









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