[Fredslist] HELP NEEDED - ASD Post Secondary programs

Susan Zinder sfzinder at aol.com
Fri Nov 4 18:44:55 EDT 2011

Gotham  - 

Someone very dear to me has a child who is 17, a senior in a therapeutic
high school with various autism spectrum disorders, including (I believe)
sensory integration disorder, selective mutism and extreme social phobia.

The girl is extremely intelligent, but not socially ready for college.  The
family (who live in the midwest) are looking for guidance and suggestions to
get her into an appropriate program when she graduates high school and has
not been able to identify one.  They are also alone and kindof scared about
the entire experience and could use guidance.

If anyone has experience or suggestions, please let me know and I will put
you in contact with the family.


Susan Zinder

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