[Fredslist] The Future is Bright

John Buscarello john at buscarello.com
Sat May 21 20:28:09 EDT 2011

Well the world didn't end, but the future is bright!

Today I attended my nephew's graduation from Fordham University -- not only did he overcome his mother's death from cancer during his sophomore year, he went on to glowingly graduate with a major in engineering physics. His interest is lasers and when he interviewed at a prominent laser company on Long Island - Photonics - he was offered a job the next day.

This outstanding young man - and many other young people like him that I encounter all the time (many listed right here on Fred's List) -  give me great hope for America's future!

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John A. Buscarello, ASID
John A. Buscarello, Inc. Interior Design
27 West 20th Street, Suite # 1206
New York, NY 10011
212-691-5881  /   917-796-0101
john at buscarello.com
Facebook:  www.bit.ly/FBjabinc

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