[Fredslist] NY Healthcare Group

John Buscarello john at buscarello.com
Wed May 18 17:44:09 EDT 2011

Road the circuit today to the NY Healthcare Group. My wonderful mentor Janet Sullivan invited me and I was glad to have attended this unique group of dedicated health professionals. 

Kudos to Ester Horowitz for her insightful mini-presentation on ID theft. 

Ben Geizhals runs a terrific meeting. I encourage all of you to attend their next gathering, they have a lot to offer all professions.

John A. Buscarello, ASID
John A. Buscarello, Inc. Interior Design
27 West 20th Street, Suite # 1206
New York, NY 10011
212-691-5881  /   917-796-0101
john at buscarello.com
Facebook:  www.bit.ly/FBjabinc

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