[Fredslist] Charity Drive for local women's shelters

heyjudenyc at aol.com heyjudenyc at aol.com
Tue May 17 15:33:02 EDT 2011

hi all
my company - phantom audio is sponsoring this empowerment drive.
so if any one has access to any samples of products that are appropriate - all donations will be appreciated.
thanks in advance
judy mauer
heyjudenyc at aol.com

In keeping with our goal of empowering and supporting other women, this month FAB NY is teaming up with Phantom Audio to empower, support and build the confidence of women from various New York Women’s shelters. Typically, these women leave abusive environments under stress and with no preparation, so our event this month is centered around creating tiny self confidence boosting beauty kits to help them beyond their basic needs. To do this, we're asking all of our FAB gals to reach out to their network and to local businesses to donate small beauty, grooming and pampering items to include in these kits.

Join us for the kick off party for the charity drive at Phantom Audio Wednesday May 18th where we will have a few sample kits on display. Following the kick off, you can continue to help us in our mission to support these women by donating items for the kits, donating cash that we can put towards the kits or if so inspired, reaching out to contacts or companies you know who would enjoy sharing in the mission. All donations should be dropped off or shipped to Phantom Audio at 48 West 25th Street, 10th Floor, to the attention of Mary Tomasiewicz no later than June 17th, 2011 to be included in the kits. Please note that donations are not expected but greatly appreciate for this event.

Here are some of the thought starters for items we are including.

Skin Care: sample size face wash, lotions, sunscreen, bronzer
Fragrance samples
Makeup: sample size cosmetics
Bath + Body: sample size body wash, scented lotions, exfoliants
Hair Care: sample size shampoo, hairspray, hair accessories
Nail Care: Nail polish, emery boards
Oral Care: Breath mints, gum, sample size mouthwash or toothpaste.Event Date: Wednesday May 18th


Our FAB Sponsor
This month’s event is sponsored and hosted by Mary Tomasiewicz of Phantom Audio – a woman-owned audio post facility – who is thrilled to help conceive this event and make it a fulfilling and awesome experience. Learn more about Phantom Audio at www.phantomaudio.com.

About FAB
FAB IS THE MOST DYNAMIC SOCIAL NETWORKING GROUP FOR WOMEN IN NYC'S CREATIVE INDUSTRIES. Our members are some of the sharpest players working in creative development, production and post production for commercials, television, film, advertising and interactive media. FAB provides exciting opportunities to network, socialize and exchange ideas, helping members get to the next level professionally and creatively.

If you know any fab ladies in our industry, send them to www.FAB-ny.org to join FAB and get the skinny on all our upcoming events. The site also features upcoming events, pics from past events, and highlights from our NEW twitter feed.

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