[Fredslist] Fwd: A question about space in New York City

tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
Mon Mar 21 11:40:13 EDT 2011

My wonderful young friend Stephanie Lane, Columbia University grad,  
dancer, actress and all around darling girl, is working on an  
interesting project (see below). Any help out there for these new  

Tessa Marquis, currently riding the circuit solo as Gotham Jerusalem.

----- Forwarded message from stephiejlane at gmail.com -----
     Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 10:51:16 -0400
     From: Stephanie Lane
  Subject: A question about space in New York City
       To: Tessa Marquis <tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com>

Hi Tessa,

I've been busy with good things in New York City - dance and theater and
education-related.  I'm still working in a restaurant, which I know will
make you groan, but as things stand right now, it is simply how I pay rent
while I do lots of unpaid work that I feel really good about.

One of the latest and most consuming endeavors is work with a theater
company of Columbia and Barnard grads, called Hole in the Sky Ensemble.  (
http://www.holeintheskyproductions.com/)  We started working together in
September, 2009, and we are now gearing to take our original play, *Dr.
Apple's Last Lecture*, about a neuroscientist who has his understanding of
his consciousness totally thrown off whack, to the Edinburgh International
Fringe Festival, in August, 2011.  We've got a slot at the festival, a
publicist out in California who will be taking us, and here in NYC, a
not-for-profit affiliation with the 501(c)(3) umbrella arts organization,
The Field.

I'm on the production team in addition to being part of the cast, and this
has proved to be an EDUCATION, primarily in how to raise money and get free
services, or, as I ought to put it, *donated* services.  I am responsible
for organizing a gala fundraiser for 75-100 people in May, complete with
entertainment, food, alcohol, music, and most importantly, a space!  I am
trying to do this at no cost to the company.

This has been hard to do.  My priority right now, as I said, is space.  I've
contacted a few different people at Columbia and Barnard and the Riverside
Church to see if our affiliation with the school would help us out, but that
hasn't gone very far, especially because May is such a busy month with
graduation stuff.

I'm wondering if, because of your network and your history in New York City,
you know of any spaces that would serve for this kind of function.  Or if
you know anyone who might be able to offer some information?

Tessa, you've always been a very valuable resource for me.  Let me know when
it's time for me to scratch YOUR back.  :)

Hope you're well.
Stephanie Lane

Stephanie Lane

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