[Fredslist] need help

Judy Heft judithheft at optonline.net
Wed Mar 16 16:35:54 EDT 2011

I am attaching a copy of my daughter, Sarah Borderud's resume. She will be
completing a Masters Of Public Health in the Epidemiology Program at Hunter
College in May 2011.  Sarah is currently working on a vaccine effectiveness
study at the NYC Department of Health, where she is responsible for
identifying and recruiting study participants and matched controls.  Her
other work and educational experience are indicated on her resume. 

Sarah applied for positions at NYU Langone Medical Center, Hospital for
Special Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering and Mount Sinai.


If anyone has any influence at these centers or any other place where she
can put her talents to good use I would appreciate passing her resume to the
right people. As you can see from her resume she is very smart, if I do say
so myself! 


Thanks for any help you can give Sarah. She can be reached directly at
sarah.pearl at yahoo.com 


Best Regards,


Judith Heft & Associates

Bill paying and daily money management for individuals


office 203.978.1858

cell 917.494.3986




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