[Fredslist] Book Club - A Visit from the Goon Squad

John Buscarello john at buscarello.com
Mon Jun 13 13:43:09 EDT 2011

There is still time to read the book - "A Visit from the Goon Squad." 

I just finished it and will tell you it should be a lively discussion as it is quite a demanding book. It's quick paced and bounces from character to character - jumping from the present to the past and then to the future. It's filled with an assortment of characters - that face many challenges in life. Surely this time around the questions to the arthur will be quite challenging - I'm eager to see how she responds. 

Don't miss this dialogue which will thoughtful and intelligent! The last book "Room" pretty much garnered universal praise -  This time around I'm not sure that will be the case (even though it won the pulitzer prize)  there might even be a bit of dissension. 

John A. Buscarello, ASID
John A. Buscarello, Inc. - Interior Design
27 West 20th Street, Suite # 1206
New York, NY 10011
212-691-5881   /   917-796-0101
john at buscarello.com
Facebook:  www.bit.ly/FBjabinc

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