[Fredslist] Fwd: Words of Bonds, Bill Tingling, Florida Holocaust Museum

Danny Mizrahi dm at contangoit.com
Tue Jun 7 17:22:04 EDT 2011

Please reach out if you'd like more information or to get involved.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Tinglin <wbsnn1 at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 1:50 PM
Subject: Bill Tingling, Florida Holocaust Museum

Dear Members,

I’m glad to inform you that SNN, Words of Bonds” have officially established
a partnership with the *Florida Holocaust Museum (FHM) in Tampa Florida*.
Due to such instance the FHM academic director has granted me a scholarship
to study the Holocaust at the Masters Level. The academic program will be at
the Sam Gross Institute in Tampa starting on June 13, 2011 – June 21, 2011.
Upon completion of the program I will be able to talk to larger audience
about the power of Tolerance and ways in which we can prevent such
atrocities. Sally Frishberg, Holocaust Survivor, have set the tone for me
already, making this educational road a little easier to trod.

We know that teaching the Holocaust is a challenge and of staggering
proportions; however the Holocaust must be brought into classrooms so
students can learn to analyze the hatred and bigotry that can lead to
genocide. It is my prayer that learning more about the Holocaust, I will be
able to educate, influence, and empower thousands more to make better

*On another note, We Need Your Help, due to the lack of finances we have not
been able to secure PS 270 to host more than 200 students at the PS 270
summer program.*

The 8 weeks summer rate for the rental of New York City Public School 270 in
Brooklyn is $10,000

Insurance is $4,700

Director’s salary $500 per week

Seven Teachers $475 per week, per teacher

Staff i.e. medical personnel sports officer and administrators $450 per week

Supplies $3000

Miscellaneous $2000

We have a pledge of $2500 and a matching pledge of $2500 which totals $5000.

We are asking all supporters to visit


And donate, or make check payable to School News Nationwide, and send it to
1072 Fulton Street Brooklyn New York 11238.

This summer we will be working with the Florida Holocaust Museum "Teaching
Trunks" project. The trunk, filled with instructional materials and teaching
curriculum, will be shipped to our school in New York for student learning.

The primary focus of our learning experiences is tolerance, spear-headed by
the painful recounting of Holocaust Survivors. This summer Holocaust
Survivors will be working with our students, sharing their experiences and
their wisdom. Youth will discover opportunities to integrate powerful
messages by images, music and performances. Students will explore the
relationship between historical bystander behavior, modern challenges with
school bullying, gun violence, and the code of no snitching. As our children
explore, write and learn to appreciate this remarkable historical human
endeavor, they understand the importance of community, respect, and the
importance of others as well.

Other key components of our program include television broadcasting,
newspaper writing, conflict resolution, mentoring, sports, learning
interviewing/ communication, and critical reading skills.

Thank you for your cooperation, and as always we appreciate everything you
are doing for the cause.

Bill Tingling
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