[Fredslist] Update about Sally, the dog

Gail Koelln gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com
Sun Jul 24 18:54:50 EDT 2011

I just found out...a family adopted Sally!  It's a local elderly couple who used to own a pet store, and they knew just how to handle her.

And, they have an adult daughter who said she would take her if need be in the future.  The daughter also has experience with dogs.

Hooray!  :)

Big thanks to Debra Adler, Janet Adler and Geraldine Newman who all really rallied and made this happy ending possible.  Gotham is the BEST!!

Best wishes,

Please pass the word along if you contacted someone about this! Thanks!

Gail Koelln, Certified Professional Coach
Coaching Family Members Caring for Elderly Relatives
(718) 776-7284
gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com

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