[Fredslist] Bedbug Nightmare

Christopher Lamal clamal at lamal-law.com
Sat Feb 26 14:12:39 EST 2011

I was waiting for something like this to happen, and now it has.


A guest staying in my apartment has brought bedbugs with him from a hotel
where he had been staying.  I'm pretty confident that they're confined right
now to the guest bedroom and guest bathroom.


I know there are several bedbug exterminator companies, some of which use
dogs to locate them.  Has anyone ever used any of these exterminators or
have any recommendations?  Anybody know how much they charge?






Christopher T. Lamal

Lamal Law Office

1040 Avenue of the Americas
11th Floor

New York, NY 10018

 <mailto:clamal at lamal-law.com> clamal at lamal-law.com

Tel:  212-302-0410
Cell: 646-286-0289

Fax: 646-435-9221

 <http://www.lamal-law.com/> www.lamal-law.com

 <http://www.linkedin.com/in/lamal> http://www.linkedin.com/in/lamal


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