[Fredslist] SHAKE THE WORLD: Social Entrepreneurship a 2012 Must!

Sergio Fernandez de Cordova sfdecordova at FUELOUTDOOR.COM
Sat Dec 31 11:58:29 EST 2011

I don’t usually get too excited about business books, or about sending out emails especially while in the middle of vacation - overseas, but my good friend James Marshall Reilly recently wrote an incredible book called SHAKE THE WORLD: It’s Not About Finding a Job, It’s About Creating a Life and it was just released!!  As I think about what's happening around the globe today and where the innovation is coming from, I see social entrepreneurship continuing to grow by leaps and bounds especially in 2012. So being so passionate about the space, I managed to get an early copy from his publisher, Penguin, and I highly recommend it.  The book is heavily about social entrepreneurship, affecting social change, the rise of the small business, and our generation's role in the world - simply incredible! The book just had a massive feature in the Financial Times.  The book includes interviews with many of our friends and colleagues, including Tony Hsieh (Zappos), Blake Mycoskie (TOMS Shoes), Doug Ulman (CEO of LIVESTRONG) and Jessica Jackley of KIVA, just to name a few.  

Check out at http://amzn.to/shaketheworld (Amazon) and http://bit.ly/shaketheworldbandn (Barnes & Noble).
Part of the reason I’m so excited is that James is donating to one of the nonprofits featured in the book each time a book is sold between NOW and 1/7/12. The book is getting great reviews and features interviews with a lot of our peers. I’m hoping to help get the word out about this book to support what James is doing. Plus,  James was recently named as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs in the U.S. age 30 or under by Empact, in association with the Kauffman Foundation, Startup America, Opportunity International, and Global Entrepreneurship Week, and was honored at the White House a few weeks ago! Just incredible!!

Thanks for taking a look!
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Years!!!



Sergio A. Fernández de Córdova | Fuel Outdoor
Real Estate, Government Affairs and Legal 
443 Park Avenue South, 9th Floor | New York, NY 10016
Tel: +1 212 796-4190 | Fax: +1646 924-3003
sfdecordova at FuelOutdoor.com | http://www.fueloutdoor.com
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