[Fredslist] Digital phone service vs Land-line Verizon

Bambe Levine bambe at bambepr.com
Fri Dec 30 11:43:53 EST 2011

We are reassessing our cable TV and telephone service as we look to moving
to our new digs within the next two months.  Verizon offers inexpensive
phone service that is dependable but Time-Warner offers digital phone
service that when bundled with our other TW services will give us
significant savings of close to $40 a month...

However, we have no experience with digital telephone and would  dearly like
to hear from someone in Gothamland who has had Verizon and who has switched
to TW digital and the comparison of services.  I understand that when the
internet/cable TVs are down, so goes the digital telephone serfvice

Any thoughts..
Thanks for this valuable information....

And Happy New Year to all....
Best regards

Bambe Levine | President | Founder
Bambe Levine Public Relations
222 East 44th Street | 9th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel 1+212.490.6500 | Cell 1+917.991.8376
bambe at bambepr.com | www.bambepr.com
SKYPE: tesoratesoro

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