[Fredslist] Paul Napolitano's Mom

Victoria Roberts Drogin victoria at mindshiftresources.com
Mon Dec 5 12:44:42 EST 2011

Hello All,

It is with sadness that I share the news that Paul Napolitano's mother has passed away. Paul has said that she lived a long, vibrant life and was loved by many. She died peacefully at home, as she wanted to. 

The wake and funeral services will be small and private, however I know how close so many of you are to Paul. If you want to drop a note, his email address is Paul at twosonsenv.com. I know he'd love to hear from you. 

All my best,

Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq.
Gotham City Networking, Inc. 
Co-Chair East End Group, NY Womens Group

Victoria Roberts Drogin, Esq.
MindShift Resources, Inc.
Executive, Professional and Life Coaching

victoria at mindshiftresources.com
t: 516.640.6260 | m: 917.418.2299

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