[Fredslist] My Daily News op-ed

Gail Koelln gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com
Thu Dec 1 12:58:04 EST 2011


I really appreciated and enjoyed reading your op-ed piece from yesterday's NY Daily News ("A 10-point plan for monitoring the NYPD"). It makes total sense that an independent agency would help maintain a trusting relationship between the NYPD and the communities it serves. Your 10-point plan really lays out how to make it all possible.

Thanks for sharing this with all of us.  Let's hope the powers that be reads it too!

Best wishes,

Gail Koelln, Certified Professional Coach
Coaching Family Members Caring for Elderly Relatives
(718) 776-7284
gkoelln at inspiredperspectivescoaching.com

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