[Fredslist] Gotham magicians - Blackberry Karma.

Kelly Welles kelly at wellesfinancialservices.com
Wed Aug 17 21:46:12 EDT 2011

Gerry....You say the most wonderful thank yous. I am always heartened to hear endorsements of either you or Raj, particularly since this one reminds me that I was inspired to introduce you both to Gotham at different times, knowing you both possessed the Gotham spirit.  This also reminds me how magical Gotham is on multiple fronts when we think about the many fine, interesting, professional, responsive and caring members the tribe continues to attract and the good will and good energy our tribal spirit continues to foster which includes both bottom-line and psychic dividends, daily, hourly, minute by minute. In small deeds and large, we are members of the Gotham family.
Since I too have a Blackberry problem, I will now go to the store near Bryant Park.
Thank you Gerry. Thank you Raj!
Kelly Welles
Chair, Diversity
2006 Co-Networker of the year

Kelly Welles, President
Trusted Advisor to Attorneys and Accountants
Premiere Insurance and Benefits Specialist
Member NL Financial Alliance
733 Third Avenue @46th St. Suite 200
New York, NY 10017
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Optimizing Business & Personal Financial Assets

--- On Wed, 8/17/11, newthynk at aol.com <newthynk at aol.com> wrote:

From: newthynk at aol.com <newthynk at aol.com>
Subject: [Fredslist] Gotham magicians
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 5:43 PM

Hi Gotham magicians, 
This is an acknowledgement of the power of Gotham magic. Several days ago, my blackberry died and I sent out an SOS to Freds List for help with Verizon or Blackberry. I got a rapid and helpful and generous array of answers, solutions, suggestions and offers. And, of course, the day was saved by a last minute entry from Gothamite Raj Goel who suggested I ignore everything the Verizon store near me told me (73rd and 3rd - avoid it all costs!) and proceed to the Verizon store near Bryant Park. I took his advice and they not only did they help me with a new i-phone but they FIXED the blackberry that I was told was dead! Raj is the wizard of what to do with any computer of electronic device problem.

Thank you Gotham - to all the people who extended their help.

Geraldine Newman

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