[Fredslist] NY State Traffic Ticket

Shinecorp at aol.com Shinecorp at aol.com
Mon Aug 15 10:35:42 EDT 2011

Hi Gothamites,
Who can advise me?
I got 2 tickets this weekend:
1) Failed due care for emerg. vehile stopped or standing. I didn't even  
know that one has to go to another lane when a blinking vehicle is on the  
shoulder ....
2) Speeding ticket - after the officer left the case we was taking care of  
he went after me because I didn't go to the other lane, and caught me 
speeding  .... he alleges 80mph by radar.
2a.) this came with a Supporting Deposition to the speeding ticket.   It 
mentions that I stated that I was selling the vehicle and that it was not  
registered or insured. All not true! It was a rented vehicle from Hertz, I gave 
 him the registration that is mentioned in the ticket and I have insurance.
I would like to plea not guilty for all of the above.... how to do it and  
how to proceed. I know that if I plea not guilty I would have to go to court 
in  upstate NY.
Thanks for advise. 
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