[Fredslist] Restaurant Review--Extraordinary Dining Experience

fklein at legal.org fklein at legal.org
Sat Aug 13 21:19:42 EDT 2011

If you are vacationing on the East End (or a member of our East End Group) don't miss the extraordinary dining experience at the North Fork Kitchen, just north of Bridgehampton on the Sag Harbor Turnpike. 

We were turned on to it by one of the line cooks, Brian Nicholas, a long time friend of our son Alex. 

The decor is tasteful and minimalist reused local materials (barn siding, 30s school chairs,etc.) The staff is young, knowledgeable, enthusiastic and accommodating. 

Best of all is the food from the ambitious prix fixe 3 course menu.

 Joanne loved her Iacono Farms Chicken Liver pate with french radish, seasoned pickles & dijon appetizer followed by a mouth watering Cambridge Bay Wild Artic Char with organic miso, grapefruit, garden eggplant & yuzu. 
My choice was Peconic Bay Fluke Tartar with heirloom tomatoes & preserved meyer lemon followed by delicious Montauk Point Blue Fish "Au Poivre" with davis falkowski's mushrooms & balsam farm's onions. 
Deserts were equally good and if you want an eye opening reminder of what fine dining can be you should rush to this new restaurant before the word gets out and you can not get in. 

Thank you Brian for making us aware and drawing us there!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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