[Fredslist] Joel, Sergio & Honest Politicians

Corey Bearak Bearak at aol.com
Fri Aug 12 14:01:18 EDT 2011

Congratulations to Sergio and Joel for a nice event.  Joel is a friend and fellow colleague in the "trade."  I know first hand he is good at what he does and there has been times pre-Gotham when he have been on the same team.

I sometimes will advise clients to contribute or host an event.

On a personal level -- and philosophically -- I advocate political building enduring relationships.  

Frankly, many ways exist to create and maintain access.

-Sometimes $$ helps.  But once you open that door, the expectation becomes you will continue to give (and the solicitations and calls do not stop);  I believe Joel will testify to that.

-Sometimes access to a community or business or trade helps.

-Sometimes being a "validator" who can speak well of proposed legislation, policy or programs can make a big difference and be used with the news media and the political establishment.

-Often times, knowledge,  experience and expertise with government, public policy, politics and communications make a very big difference.  Few who do lobbying -- unless they maintain a rather large shop can offer all -- and then not from one person competent in all.

While meeting influential and connected folk at a fundraiser whether for a politician or a cause or a charity can be nice, meeting them where $$ is not at the top of the agenda is nice and there are many an event where no "entry fee" is involved and people of the political background mentioned below may be found and able to be engaged in nice chats.  

I think my clients and friends (One still tells the story of his introduction to a rather famous then-elected now in another position.) appreciate those opportunities even more.

Corey B. Bearak, Esq.
Government & Public Affairs Counselor
P.O. Box 135, Glen Oaks, NY 11004
(718) 343-6779 ♦ facsimile (888) 379-3492
Bearak at aol.com ♦ CoreyBearak.com ♦ Bearak on Twitter
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On Aug 11, 2011, at 11:54 AM, Raj Goel, CISSP wrote:

Fellow Gothamites,

What's the definition of a honest politician? Someone who stays bought AFTER the election.

And while outright bribery and corruption are illegal, influencing politicians through fundraisers and lobbying isn't.

And whether you need the City's permission to make improvements to your building, get your property re-zoned, need to introduce a bill that’s beneficial to your business or kill a bill that might harm your business, you need to know people who know people who get these things done.

And that's where fellow Gothamites Joel Schnur & Sergio De Cordova come in.

Joel is a master of the dark art of influencing politicians - aka lobbying.

Sergio is the king of billboards in the United States and an international entrepreneur.

Together, they've perfected the art of hosting political fundraisers - where, for nominal sums, you get private face time with new candidates, established politicians and political dynasties. Aside from current NY/NJ electeds and wannabes, they have hosted mayors and governors from across the country and Latin American presidential candidates. Talk about diversity!

I recently had the pleasure of joining Joel & Sergio as they hosted an event for a local Brooklyn State Assembly race. While it may seem like small potatoes, a win in this race adds credibility and star power to their other local candidate for the U.S. Congress next year, which of course has national implications. I was able to rub elbows, first hand, with
- State Senator Martin Dilan,
- Former Chair of the NYS Transportation Committee, Assemblyman Vito Lopez,
- Current Chair of the State Housing Committee and kings County Democratic Chair, City Council  Housing & Building Committee Chair, Erik Dilan,
- City Council Finance Chair, Dominic Recchia,
- some city commissioners,
- Williamsburg Chassidim,
- Egyptian billionaires, runway models
- and a gaggle of significant business people.

And did I mention that all of this was on Sergio’s 5000 sq ft terrace with unobstructed views of the Hudson River, New Jersey and much of the Manhattan skyline?

So, if you want to rant and rave about the corrupting influence of money in politics, watch Fox news or MSNBC.

But if you want to sway things in your favor at city, state or federal level, have Joel and Sergio host a fundraiser in your apartment, condo or office.


Rajesh Goel, CISSP
cell (917) 685-7731
CTO: Brainlink International, Inc.
You run your business, and leave the IT to us.
raj at brainlink.com

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