[Fredslist] Special Invitation to Gothamites

Norman Spizz nspizz at spnmusic.com
Thu Apr 28 18:43:00 EDT 2011

As most of you know Gotham has a special relationship with the Friars 
Club. Many Gothamites belong and enjoy the great benefits of being a Friar.
Currently we are having a membership drive and are offering a special 
deal. We have a 2 for 1, or half price initiation for new members based 
on a corporate category. If you are under the age of forty or thirty, 
the deal is even better.

Being a Friar makes you part of an exclusive club, where when you bring 
clients to lunch or dinner, they are will be sitting side by side with 
major entertainers, politicians, authors and dignitaries. You never know 
who you will be rubbing elbows with.

You also can participate in our events, use our state of the art gym and 
most important of all, the networking at the bar every day at cocktail 
hour is invaluable.

If you have ever thought of becoming a Friar, now is the time to do so. 
This window of opportunity will not last too long.

If you are interested, please contact Fred, myself or any other 
Gothamite who belongs to this legendary institution.

Following is a list of the Gothamites who belong to the Friars.

Fred Klein, Alex Klein, David Klein, Joan Rorthermel, Scott Bloom, Danny 
Mizrahi, Mikey Friere, David Stein, Mike Appell, Raj Goel, Jason 
Greenberg, Bruce Swicker, Marcus Goldhaber, Mel Lazar, Tom Zipser.

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