[Fredslist] FW: summer in NYC

Susan Zinder sfzinder at aol.com
Sat Apr 23 10:16:11 EDT 2011

Gotham – Friends are moving back to NYC from Texas for 3 months this summer
.  They have a 4 year old boy and need a one bedroom apartment on the Upper
West Side for under $3,000 per month – if possible in the West 70s or 80s.

Is there enough Gotham magic out there to help them out?

Please let me know


From:  Nina Miller <nina at ninamillerdesign.com>
Date:  Sat, 23 Apr 2011 00:14:59 -0500
To:  Nina Miller <nina at ninamillerstudio.com>
Cc:  Michael Gold <msgold at gmail.com>
Subject:  summer in NYC

Hi Friends,

We're coming to NYC for the summer! Mike is taking a sabbatical from his
full-time job in Austin and picked up a 3-month contract job where he can
work remotely. We're looking forward to hanging out with friends and
spending time at our old haunts! We're now searching for a place
(Craigslist, etc) to stay for 2-3 months on the UWS, preferably near Central
Park (and hopefully near Fairway or Whole Foods). We'd like a 1-bedroom
that's big enough for us and Rafi for under 3K/month. If anyone has any
leads or suggestions, we'd be very grateful!

Thanks :-)

Nina, Mike+Rafi

Nina Miller Studio

Nina Miller Design



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