[Fredslist] Hope Queens, Brooklyn & Staten Island Gothamites are OK

Gail Koelln gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com
Fri Sep 17 11:23:39 EDT 2010

As a Queens resident, just want to send out a general "hope you're all OK" to fellow Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island Gothamites.  I was sitting in a restaurant in Bayside with some family members last night when the storm hit and it was pretty scary for a while.  When things calmed down and we finished dinner, we left and were amazed at the devastation just within one or two blocks of where we were.  Trees are down everywhere!

Traffic was bumper to bumper getting home, because you just couldn't drive on the side streets.  Thank goodness, my neighborhood of Hollis Hills was not hit as hard and our house and electricity are intact.

My heart goes out to the family of the person in Queens who was killed. I hope everyone in Gotham who was affected got through it OK too.

Best wishes to all,

Gail Koelln
GK Grant Writing
82-52 211 Street
Hollis Hills, NY 11427
phone (718) 776-7284
fax (718) 776-9806
gkoelln at gkgrantwriting.com

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