[Fredslist] They Know How To Party on LI

Susan Cleary susanw.cleary at gmail.com
Thu Sep 16 01:14:42 EDT 2010

Gotham Long Islanders are not only hardy "partyers" but are very warm,
welcoming and GREAT to network with. The plush Engineer's Country Club put
out an amazing spread ( it's really more like a dinner buffet with super
good quality delicious food.)  Not to mention, the  cocktails are poured,
shaken and served perfectly. Plus  lovely live music AND, Fred ( after ?#
glasses of champagne) SINGS!!!

We'll have to have a larger turnout from the City next year, it was really
worth the trip!  I met at least 6 people to follow up with and can't wait to
meet with them and do the real net"working"

 I am also happy to announce that I will be working with fellow Gothamite,
Becky Wilbourn, Director, Diet Center 120 E 56th Street asa health/diet
counselor.  We work with inviduals and companies to achieve healthy weight
and optimal health.

Hope to see you on  the Circuit!

Best Regards,

Susan Cleary
Group Coordinator Bandit/Downtown Gotham
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