[Fredslist] Suyper Lawyers - a menaingful tribute

Phyllis Weiss Haserot pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com
Tue Oct 5 12:35:33 EDT 2010

Bravo to Fred on his selection as a Super Lawyer in his area of expertise - employment and labor law!  As a long-time marketing/business development consultant working with law firms (and proud that I have coached several lawyers on the Super Lawyer list), I can tell you that while there was skepticism when the Super Lawyers lists started coming out a number of years ago (ugh! another list), they have become a respected and sought after recognition among lawyers. So Fred, his firm and all of us can be celebratory and proud of this very meaningful tribute - as we are. A toast to Fred.





P.S.  If we have any other designated Super Lawyers in our Gotham midst, please speak up and be recognized.

Phyllis Weiss Haserot
President, Practice Development Counsel
Consulting/Coach to the Next Generation
Author of "The Rainmaking Machine:" and "The Marketer's Handbook of Tips & Checklists" (both West 2010)

Voice:: 212-593-1549
pwhaserot at pdcounsel.com  
please visit: www.pdcounsel.com  
and blog http://www.nextgeneration-nextdestination.com
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pwhaserot
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