[Fredslist] Complimentary CLE / CPE presentation

Erin Ardleigh EArdleigh at wassociatesny.com
Thu Nov 4 15:02:50 EDT 2010

Attorneys and CPAs are invited to attend a complimentary seminar on
"Revisiting Section 79".


Section 79 plans provide business owners with benefits including:

permanent life insurance protection    

significant tax advantages &

potentially tax-free retirement income 


This seminar will explain for which types of businesses such plans may
be suitable, how to provide tax-deductible life insurance premiums, and
the implementation of tax deferral strategies for supplemental
retirement income. It will also include a discussion on the tax law and
the requirements for implementing a Section 79 plan. This is a "must
know" topic for any attorney or accountant that advises business owners,
especially in the areas of estate planning, buy-sell planning and
corporate law. 


The seminar will be held in midtown Manhattan on Thursday, November 18,
from 5:30 - 7:30pm. Attendees will receive 2 NY CLE / CPE credits.
Please email me at eardleigh at wassociatesny.com to register.




Erin Ardleigh

Wechsler Associates, Inc.




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