[Fredslist] Fwd: Help me bring awareness to Donate Life

sfzinder at aol.com sfzinder at aol.com
Fri May 14 17:49:01 EDT 2010

Gotham - A few years ago, my father's dear friend and businesspartner (who was one of the most honest, ethical people you could ever meet) passed away after a long illness.  His illness was eased, and he was given precious years with his family, due to the miracle of organ donation.

His son, who is also a dear family friend, is now raising money for the New York Organ Donor Network through participation in a number of triathalons. Scroll down below to learn more about this.

Please learn about the New York Organ Donor Network's Donate Life initiative - and if you sign up to support Neil Strahl in his efforts to raise money in memory of his dad - that's better still.


Susan Zinder

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Strahl <nstrahl at pioneerbus.com>
To: sfzinder at aol.com
Sent: Fri, May 14, 2010 1:16 pm
Subject: Help me bring awareness to Donate Life

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Dear Friends
Many of you see me as an obsessive fitness nut, which I am. What you may not know is that I am training for a number of triathlons this summer. My first race is June 19th, the day before Father’s Day, in Franklin Lakes, NJ (The Wyckoff/Franklin Lakes Triathlon). My second race, the 10th Annual New York City Triathlon is scheduled for July 18th. Sure, I will be swimming, biking and running to show just how much endurance I have, but more importantly, I will be taking on the challenge to support organ donation. Why organ donation?  As many of you know, my father Marty Strahl was fortunate enough to receive a much needed lung transplant which gave him the gift of five additional years of life. Today, there are over 105,000 people in need of organ transplants, and public awareness is nowhere near where it should be. So, I am raising money for Team Donate Life, which the New York Organ Donor Network will use for important public education programs about donation. I hope you'll help me in my fund-raising efforts; if you think it's challenging to train and compete in a triathlon, can you imagine what it's like waiting for a transplant? For those of you who knew my father what better way is there to honor him on this, the 3rd anniversary (April 16) of his passing, by helping others receive the gift of life. Thanks!

     Whatever you can do would be great and if it is not possible, just filling out the organ donation option on your drivers license would be awesome!

Click here to view the fund page for Martin Strahl Memorial Donate Life Fund
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Sign Up Today |  Unsubscribe | Spread the Word | Visit our Website
New York Organ Donor Network
        Address: 460 West 34th Street, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001
        Phone: 646.291.4444 | Fax: 646.291.4600
    24-hour Referral Line/Public Information: 800-GIFT-4-NY

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