FW: [Fredslist] Semi-annual cocktail party last night

Lucas Meyer lucas at 5thstreetadvisors.com
Thu May 13 16:15:30 EDT 2010

I second Elizabeth's thoughts.  Had a great time, and great networking!

Lucas J. Meyer
5th Street Advisors, LLC
34 5th Street
Stamford, CT  06905
lucas at 5thstreetadvisors.com
voice:  203 327-1212
fax:  646 349-3058

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Marner-Brooks [mailto:elizmb at tiac.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 11:17 PM
To: fredslist
Subject: [Fredslist] Semi-annual cocktail party last night

As always, Debbie did a magnificent job of organizing and overseeing!

It was a fun time of seeing, meeting, chatting.  Gotham's cocktail
parties are always delightful!

Did anyone take photos?  I had my camera, yet took nary a one...too busy


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