[Fredslist] Partnership charity student desires summer internship in law

abonfiglio at psapartnership.org abonfiglio at psapartnership.org
Wed May 12 23:23:47 EDT 2010

Hello Gothamites.

I am writing to ask you if you know anyone in the legal field who would be willing to work with an intern from the Partnership program for two weeks or longer during the summer. She is interested in pursuing law as a career.

An ideal situation would be if she could intern for two weeks or so with attorneys in different specialties to get a real understanding of what that type of profession is all about.

 I hope that you might be able to help or recommend someone you know who would be supportive of this student.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

Thank you.

Anne Bonfiglio, CISA
Exec. Dir./Partnership for Student Advancement
22 684 0281

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