[Fredslist] I drank the kool aid

judithheft at optonline.net judithheft at optonline.net
Thu Mar 25 15:11:09 EDT 2010

I spent the morning in NY today networking and finished with lunch at the Gotham Real Estate group. What dynamic energy. If you haven't taken a circuit ride to that group you are really missing out. I reconnected with quite a few "old" friends and made some new ones. And even some people who I hadn't met but they recognized my name from Fred's list. I even got to meet the Queen of networking Linda "Queenie" Newman which was a real treat! Scott Bloom and Mike Appell run a great group and of course it's always a pleasure to see Fred,especially in his element! Thank you for a great meeting. I'll be back. Judy Heft GC Fairfield 
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry Judy www.judithheft.com 

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