[Fredslist] FW: Is Your Doctor Green? Why not? - SGN Radio 03-23-2010 2PM EST

David Marks - Shades of Green Network david at shadesofgreennetwork.com
Tue Mar 23 11:28:16 EDT 2010

Today's radio show includes one of Gotham's esteemed members, Christopher Trahan. He and our other guest, Dr. Lawrence D. Rosen, will be talking about the current state of healthcare in the US and how the combination of traditional western medicine with integrative alternative medicine is putting "green" into health care and being taken seriously. Please join us for the call at 2 PM.



David L. Marks  





Shades of Green Network Radio™

Is Your Doctor Green? Why Not?

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010, 2 PM (EST)


About This Week's Show 


So you're feeling sick - fever, nausea, sore throat, stuffed head and chest, the works...and you decide to go to the doctor. But when you get there, they're spraying toxic cleaning chemicals into the air, they inject you with mercury-packed vaccines, and then they cram a bunch of super-strength superbug-killing antibiotics down your neck that make you run to the bathroom more than Montezuma! Is this really what you want in medical care? Today's guests, Christopher Trahan,O.M.D., L.Ac. and Dr. Lawrence D. Rosen tell us about some better ways - to get better - and stay that way!   


Call us on the phone or listen online here: 
New phone number to call in: (718) 664-9208
New URL: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sgnradio <http://www.Green-Wave-Email.com/MailSrvc/redirect.cfm?ID=79619&MID=667&LID=27&EID=78336> 


Our Guests

Christopher Trahan, O.M.D, L.Ac. is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, a licensed Acupuncturist, and a Medical Herbalist who integrates Chinese and Western herbs and Homeopathy with his practice of Acupuncture. (www.Olympus-Center.com <http://www.Green-Wave-Email.com/MailSrvc/redirect.cfm?ID=79620&MID=667&LID=27&EID=78336> )

Dr. Lawrence D. Rosen is a board-certified general pediatrician committed to family-centered, holistic child health care. (www.wholechildcenter.org <http://www.Green-Wave-Email.com/MailSrvc/redirect.cfm?ID=79621&MID=667&LID=27&EID=78336> )

Our Hosts

Peter van Geldern and David L. Marks Co-Founders of Shades of Green Network™

Brought to you by: Shades of Green Network™ 

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