[Fredslist] Electrician familar with Tech Lighting Fixtures

sfzinder at aol.com sfzinder at aol.com
Tue Mar 9 17:15:06 EST 2010

Gotham - a couple of years ago I installed a Tech Lighting transformer and fixture in my living room - a couple of weeks ago I discovered that it was actually broken, and I'm concerned that a contributing factor may have been the original install.

Anyway - I really need a good, licensed, insured electrician who is familiar with Tech Lighting fixtures, and if possible has a relationship with them.  The issue has made me very nervous, particularly since I work long hours and don't want a broken cieling fixture potentially making an unsafe and disastrous problem in my apartment.  As a result  of the problem I had to flip  the breaker switch that controls the  electricity in the room so that no electricity would possibly go into the fixture - but that means I have no light or other electrical fixture in my living room - needless to say a big inconvenience and potentially serious problem.

Any references are appreciated.

Susan Zinder
(women's group)

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