[Fredslist] Thank you Jill Goldstein - The History of Pencils

Jeanne Anne Norton jnorton at abramslaw.com
Wed Jun 2 19:32:45 EDT 2010

Thank you, Tessa for the hearty laugh.  And, of course, kudos to the  
sharpest pencil in the box, Jill Goldstein.

Jeanne Anne

On Jun 2, 2010, at 6:45 PM, "Tessa Marquis" <tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com 
 > wrote:

> Pencils are the bane of my existence.
> Bane #1: One time I called a friend at her job and was kept waiting  
> an extremely long time on “Hold”. Muzak played. Moths flew out of  
> the receiver.
> When she finally came on the line she sounded very confused. “Hel-lo 
> oooh???” she said, “Who is this????” I told her “This is  
> Tessa. What’s wrong?” She said “Oh! My receptionist told me  
> someone named Pencil’ was on the line”.
> Now….Why on earth would she think someone would be named Pencil?
> Bane #2: In my business, we present seminars. Usually about one a  
> month, but (as in June 2010) sometimes 3 within as many weeks.  At  
> the seminars we provide everything the attendees may need, including  
> pencils.  I used to get mechanical pencils, imprinted with our  
> company name. The odd thing is, the mechanical pencils with sturdy  
> lead – which will not snap and break in the hands of mechanics and m 
> aintenance workers – have lousy erasers, made of inferior rubber. Th 
> e mechanical pencils with good erasers - which actually erase instea 
> d of bend over - have lead as thin and brittle as Capellini.
> Bane #3: Eventually, I switched to the old fashioned wooden pencils  
> for our attendees. You have to have a patient intern who will pre- 
> sharpen a thousand pencils. I have had them burn up two electric  
> sharpeners so far.  And you have to buy portable battery run  
> sharpeners and send them on the road with the supplies. Sometimes  
> the instructors forget to pack them properly and the lead and  
> shavings get loose and ruin the returned supplies and books. This is  
> an expensive waste.
> So, every few years I reassess the situation, to see if I should try  
> mechanical pencils again. I go back and forth. Some years wooden,  
> some years mechanical.
> I have been in business so long that I have had 8 different  
> suppliers go out of business on me.
> You know how there are days where you scratch your head and look  
> perplexed and blame your brain for not remembering something that  
> you know you know? Well that was my situation a few weeks ago. And  
> over something as seemingly minor as pencils.  Well, lLast month I  
> realized with dread in my heart that I needed to order 1000 pencils  
> again, Toot Sweet.  So of course I procrastinated. I waited for a  
> miracle. The Pencil Fairy, perhaps?
> And then I remembered having seen a Promo from Jill Goldstein – a Go 
> tham “email” member.
> In less time than predicted or promised, I had 1000 pencils  
> delivered, with my imprint, at a low cost, with a friendly Gotham  
> assist!
> Jill M. Goldstein
> !MPR!NT Designs
> You think it, we ink it!
> 718-479-3620
> 917-442-1629
> Jill.imprintdesigns at gmail.com
> She saved my eraser (which is what I call my ass). End of story.
> Thank you Jill!  Everyone take notice! She does invitations as well 
> ….
> Tessa Marquis
> Gotham New Haven -  Where we Get the Lead out!
>        (Get it? Lead as in pencil lead or as in a Business Lead???)  
> (Oh, never mind…)
> New Standard Institute, Inc.
> 84 Broad Street  |  Milford, CT 06460  |  USA
> 203.783.1582 x101
> tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com
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