[Fredslist] Summer Savvy from the New York Times

Jill Tipograph/Everything Summer jill at everythingsummer.com
Tue Jan 26 12:38:50 EST 2010

Thought I would share with you the guest blog I wrote for the New York Times
College Corner that is posted today, on goals teens should have for their
summers, as well as several interviews I conducted with teens on their
service trips. Great tips and lessons for teens - and parents. 



Offspring <http://maplewood.blogs.nytimes.com/category/offspring/> 
January 26, 2010, 11:37 am 
College Corner: Be Summer Savvy
On The Local
During the high school years, teens often find that planning out their
summers with productive and meaningful experiences provide them with an
opportunity to grow, build self confidence and develop important life
skills. This is the time of year to start thinking about what interests you
- and researching to find out more about what is out there.

Jill Tipograph
Everything Summer, LLC
jill at everythingsummer.com
Author of Your Everything Summer Guide & Planner
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