[Fredslist] Healing Haiti

Jane Cottrell janecottrell at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 13 13:05:26 EST 2010

Dear Gotham tribe,
As some of you know, our daughter Joey works for a company that donates half
its profits to a trust that benefits the Haitian poor. She returned from
Haiti Sunday night. We are feeling pretty lucky. Joey and her colleagues put
together a Facebook page through which you can donate if you wish. The page
URL is in her message below.
Yours in all the blessings we share,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joey Perry <jp at printforchange.com>
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 12:06 AM
Subject: Haiti!!
To: "janecottrell at gmail.com" <janecottrell at gmail.com>,


For those of you who are not on Facebook, you can go to
and donate, $5, $20, $1,000,000 or whatever you feel comfortable giving.

Lord knows they can use whatever you can give and whatever you get others to
give.  Most importantly, please send this along to as many people as
possible.  I know the people on the ground and all I have to say is they
are amazing, dedicated and inspiring individuals!!

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