[Fredslist] For those among us who are "on the fence" about renewal

Gerald Goldhaber geraldgoldhaber at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 12 09:03:55 EST 2010

Bruce, that's a terrific analogy and a wonderful reason to renew in Gotham.  Thanks for articulating so well exactly how many of us feel.  Gerry Goldhaber

 Gerald M. Goldhaber, Ph.D.
President and CEO
800 6th Avenue, Suite 26G
New York, NY 10001
(212)379-6661 (O)
(917)279-2303 (Cell)

From: Bruce R. Swicker <BSwicker at earhartleigh.com>
To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
Sent: Tue, January 12, 2010 8:44:33 AM
Subject: [Fredslist] For those among us who are "on the fence" about renewal

Greetings across the Greater Gotham Network –
With the membership renewal deadline rapidly approaching, I
thought that I would add my two-cents worth of opinion for those who are still
thinking about whether or not to renew.  There is no question but that
2009 was not a great year for many of us, but 2009 is now history.  2010
brings new optimism about an economic recovery, and while we can debate how
fast or robust a recovery we will experience, the fact is that we all have a
choice: “Do we decide to participate in the recovery, or do we decide to
move to the sidelines, stay in bed, and pull the covers over our head?”
Look at this like the stock market.  We all know folks
who took significant losses when the economy tanked.  Some of those folks
decided to “go to cash”, deciding that they could no longer stomach
the risk of further losses.  By doing so, the losses were now locked in
and realized.  As bad as this strategy was, those folks then sat on the
sidelines as the markets moved upward through 2009, planting their remaining
cash safely in the bank, earning 1.5%.
The same can be said about networking . . . are you going to
“go to cash” by not renewing your Gotham membership, and miss the
opportunity to maintain your visibility as the economy slowly begins to recover? 
And, by doing so, allow all of the connections and relationships you have built
over the past year(s) to being to dissipate, allowing your competitors to move
in just as things begin to get better?  Make no mistake about it, out of
sight is out of mind!
It is times like these that make the investment – both
time and money – in an organization such as Gotham so very, very
critical.  Now is NOT the time to “go to cash” on your Gotham
membership.  Now is the time to step up, renew, and make the commitment to
join ALL of us in the sometimes rocky road of economic recovery!
R. Swicker
The professionals' insurance professionals!®
500 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2210
New York, NY 10110
Tel: 212-764-6740
Fax: 212-937-2141
Toll Free: 877-B-SWICKER (877-279-4253)
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