[Fredslist] A Career Counselor and Support Group needed for a friend

Bambe Levine bambe at bambepr.com
Tue Jan 5 09:30:33 EST 2010

Dear ?Gotham:

A close friend of mine is married to a former CEO of a large company that
went out of business over two years ago.  After a few months of optimistic
job hunting, without results, he seems to have given up and lost his ability
to fight the battle for employment as a middle age man.

I recommended that he see a career counselor who can help him reignite his
juices to help him emerge from a two year funk and start job hunting.  Not
only does he need handholding from a trusted professional, a support group
of others in the same position, but he also needs to learn the ³technology²
and quite simply, how to look for a job.  After all, he has never looked for
a job before.

Does anyone at Gotham know someone who can help this talented person?  I
don¹t think a ³shrink² is the answer.  He needs a career counselor  who can
teach him the "technique" for job searching and guide him as he goes through
the process.   After all, he managed a huge business before that employed
hundreds of people.

Can anyone at Gotham help?

Many thanks
Bambe Levine

Bambe Levine | Founder | President
Bambe Levine Public Relations
222 East 44th Street | 9th Floor
New York, New York 10022
Tel 1+212.490.6500 | Cell 1+917.991.8376
bambe at bambepr.com | www.bambepr.com

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