[Fredslist] Make it Your Business: Hire Qualified Workers with Impaired Vision

David Stein david at automatic-mail.com
Thu Feb 25 11:24:47 EST 2010


Our partners at VISIONS asked that we share the attached upcoming  
invitation regarding their Make it Your Business:  Hire Qualified  
Workers with Impaired Vision breakfast,

Tuesday, March 23rd at 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mkada Beach  
at the Mayors Office directly at 212-788-6771.

All the best,

David Stein

	Union Printing - Mailing - Electronic Marketing Since 1971

-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Miller [mailto:nmiller at visionsvcb.org]

February 5, 2010

Hi -

As I mentioned at the DMD meeting yesterday, I am hoping you can  
attend this event.

This is not a job fair, rather an employer outreach and training  

A text only and graphic version of the invite are attached.

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