[Fredslist] PlanetThoughts.org - More News is Good News

David Alexander MyEmail2 at OpalComputing.com
Tue Feb 9 08:24:54 EST 2010

 <http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=3149> Is that really ALL
the land needed for the world's energy needs?? Click for article.What does
the subject of this email ("More News is Good News") really mean? It means
that when it comes to environmental sustainability information, at least you
will find something closer to reality on  <http://planetthoughts.org/>
PlanetThoughts.org, with more substance and broad coverage but less empty
verbiage than most mainstream news media and many Web sites.
True, coverage of all the aspects of life on a planet that is growing more
crowded with fewer resources to be wasted is gradually growing in depth.
However, seeing the seriousness of the situation, it still seems very far
from adequate, with the great majority of Americans and many others
worldwide not being properly informed of what the science is telling us.
That is why I say, "More news is good news". For example, how widely have
any media covered with a detailed analysis the critical question of the
potentials of alternative energy sources that are renewable, to replace the
dwindling sources of global warming and rising fuel costs?

With that in mind, the key article currently on the PlanetThoughts.org home
page is  <http://www.planetthoughts.org/?pg=pt/Whole&qid=3149> Total Surface
Area Required To Fuel The World With Solar, which shows calculations on how
relatively little amounts of surface area can replace the entire world's
energy needs, either in the form of photovoltaic energy or off-shore wind
energy. Imagine both together, plus wave energy, geothermal, and other

The great majority of people in the United States, North America, and the
world do not yet realize that practically unlimited power is available for
minimal ongoing cost, although clearly a united effort to build alternative
energy capacity is need, with some associated expense (and lots of job
creation for a real need!). If the world realized this capacity that is at
our fingertips, would we still be debating how to drill for oil deeper and
deeper out in the ocean, and polluting our land and harming its people and
animals with destructive coal mining and gas extraction? I don't think so.
What do you think?

Other articles address the culture and psychology of consumption and the
hope of change to a new way of seeing ourselves. Perhaps that change of
global priorities and psychology is the key to providing support for the
sustained efforts needed to transform our global generation and use of

Throw in some technology news, some political observations, and various
other news, and you have a lot to choose from at PlanetThoughts.org.

See the full index of recent articles, below.

Best wishes,

David Alexander

President, Opal Computing
(718) 229-2609
http://OpalComputing.com <http://opalcomputing.com/> 
http://Green-Wave-Email.com <http://green-wave-email.com/> 
    Now! Visit  <http://planetthoughts.org/> http://PlanetThoughts.org to
    raise your awareness, discuss, and act on the
    current crises in the planet's environment
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