[Fredslist] Lefties! Righties! Take it to the polls!

Gil Effron gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
Tue Feb 2 10:56:34 EST 2010

My apologies for creating such a stir yesterday with my “Open Letter  
to Gotham Righties.”

The unfortunate result was that we overloaded and overtaxed FredsList.  
So, where FredList is concerned, the topic and the commentaries must  
be, as they say, “LEFT alone!”

Let's take the controversy to a level (and level-headed) playing  
field. Fred says, “Take it to the Gotham poll.”

Log onto www.GothamNetworking.com today to express your opinion:  
Should righties be allowed to attend the lefty lunch?

And standby for the results!

In the meantime, those who are left-handed and who don’t want to be  
LEFT out of our meeting at 12:30 p.m. at the Friars Club on Thursday,  
February 18, 2010 are invited to follow this link:


Or, for additional information, contact me at…
Gil at strategiesforgrowth.net

Gil Effron
Strategies For Growth
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 449
New York, NY 10165

gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
800-226-2428 or 347-920-3272
Fax: 877-805-8037
Mobile: 914-414-9245

Don't Just WATCH THE GAP, Eliminate It!



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