[Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties

jvsode at optonline.net jvsode at optonline.net
Mon Feb 1 23:36:35 EST 2010

No, no, no!!! It's left on!!!

----- Original Message -----
From: Tessa Marquis 
Date: Monday, February 1, 2010 10:40 pm
Subject: RE: [Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties
To: "'John V. Soderberg'" 
Cc: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com

> Right On!
> _____ 
> From: John V. Soderberg [mailto:jvsode at optonline.net] 
> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 10:30 PM
> To: Tessa Marquis
> Cc: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
> Subject: Re: [Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties
> Dear Tessa,
> At least your heart is in the correct place. I did not say 
> "the right
> place", because it's dexteriously biased, just like 'leftovers" 
> is (are?) 
> john
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Tessa Marquis 
> To: elizmb at tiac.net ; friendl2 at peoplepc.com ; 'John V.
> Soderberg' ; 'Gil Effron'
> Cc: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com 
> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 10:21 PM
> Subject: RE: [Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties
> Interesting sidenote from CT: The reporter from the New Haven 
> Register and
> the reporter from the Connecticut Post are both left handed. I 
> was at a
> meeting tonight that they attended and I told them about your 
> Group. When I
> mentioned scissors they groaned in unison.
> My sister was a Lefty and we accommodated her in every way, including
> learning how to do things left-handedly. In college during the 
> Microbiologyclass I even did learned to do a pipette series on 
> raw sewage left handed.
> Coming from California, I refer to it as the Left Coast and even 
> though I am
> Right Handed, I am politically a Lefty! 
> Tessa Marquis
> Gotham New Haven, to the Left of Long Island
> New Standard Institute, Inc. 
> 84 Broad Street | Milford, CT 06460 | USA
> 203.783.1582 x101 
> tmarquis at newstandardinstitute.com 
> _____ 
> From: fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com
> [mailto:fredslist-bounces at gothamnetworking.com] On Behalf Of 
> elizmb at tiac.netSent: Monday, February 01, 2010 8:19 PM
> To: friendl2 at peoplepc.com; John V. Soderberg; Gil Effron
> Cc: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com
> Subject: Re: [Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties
> Hi "Fellow" Lefties, 
> Back in the late 70s / early 80s there was a Lefty store on 
> Lexington Ave,
> mid-town. It was Great! Lefty scissors, ladles, rulers, & ever 
> so much
> more. 
> Had I known about that store in Sydney when I was there... 
> Something that I'd love to have available: cameras with dual or lefty
> controls!
> Elizabeth
> Elizabeth Marner-Brooks
> Training The Speaking Voice
> 917-374-8984
> Diversity Group
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: friendl2 at peoplepc.com 
> Sent: Feb 1, 2010 5:10 PM 
> To: "John V. Soderberg" , Gil Effron 
> Cc: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com 
> Subject: Re: [Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties 
> HI Guys! I don't what the hystgeria is about. You have a non-
> competegroup. I think I know of a few others in Gotham. Relax 
> and enjoy your
> exclusive company. 
> In my travels over many years the only store I knew of catering 
> to lefties
> until just a few years ago was in Sydney Australia. I know that 
> there has
> been an expansion of availibility of left handed utensils but 
> it's not
> something you run into every day. 
> I realize that this is a good opportunity to bring many of your
> frustratiions to the fore. Have at it. 
> As far as righties thinking that you are planning a coup, You 
> already have
> the head that wears the crown, and he does it with aplomb. 
> Enjoy.
> George Fehling - Diversity
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: John V. Soderberg 
> To: Gil Effron 
> Cc: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com 
> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 2:41 PM
> Subject: Re: [Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties
> Gil,
> Hang in there. You are fast becoming the Martin Luther King 
> of leftie
> rights! In fact, we should form a Southern Paw Leadership 
> Conference (SPLC)
> to better organize our long overdue, justified response to our 
> pent up anger
> and frustration to this on-going right-handed arrogance. 
> I have a dream that one day right-handed children and left-handed
> children would sit at the table of Thanksgiving dinner and the 
> left-handed
> children won't have to re-arrange the silverware to accommodate 
> their usage.
> I have a dream that one day power saw wires will exit directly 
> from the back
> of the tool and not from the right side so that left-handed 
> handymen won't
> electrocute themselves when they work around their homes. I have 
> a dream
> that one day simple paper scissors will be made so that left-
> handed and
> right-handed people can use them with equal dexterity. I have a 
> dream that
> one day they will make cars so that the radio and other devices 
> will be
> equally accessible to lefties as they now are to righties, I 
> have a dream!
> John
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Gil Effron 
> To: fredslist at gothamnetworking.com 
> Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 8:12 AM
> Subject: [Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties
> An Open Letter to Gotham Righties:
> When Fred first asked me if I would coordinate the upcoming 
> Lefty Group
> meeting at 12:30 p.m. at the Friars Club on Thursday, February 
> 18, it didn't
> take but a moment for me to jump on board and agree to help. 
> After all, I am left-handed and I did attend the last two Lefty Group
> events. I enjoyed the camaraderie and the fun. And, as mentioned 
> in my
> initial invitation, it was a truly pleasure to sit around a 
> crowded table
> where lefties and righties were not bumping elbows. We talked 
> and laughed
> about the challenges left-handers face in our society where only 
> about 10 to
> 12 percent of the population is left-handed. And we shared 
> stories of our
> various left-handed adventures, both good and bad. (Contrary to 
> popularopinion, we did not speak about righties behind their 
> backs -- nor were we
> derogatory or condescending in any way.) 
> Little did I know that this upcoming event would create such upheaval
> throughout all of Gotham. 
> -- Currently, I'm openly being shunned on the subway. 
> -- I'm receiving at least a dozen anonymous emails every day 
> from people I
> barely know urging me to "give up the fight for left-handed 
> separatism" and
> learn to use my right hand. 
> -- I'm receiving hang-ups on my home phone throughout the night. 
> (Thankheaven for caller ID. It's someone named "Blocked.") 
> -- Fred and I are being threatened with lawsuits for 
> discrimination against
> righties. 
> -- Plus, and most painfully, we are being labeled as acting 
> "unGothamly" and
> are being blamed for "creating conflict within the tribe." 
> As I write this, a small crowd has gathered outside the main 
> entrance to my
> apartment building in Riverdale. From the 16th floor I'm barely 
> able to
> make out the signs they're carrying. But I think some say, 
> "Righties Rule."
> Another says, "Tear down that conflict wall." But from this 
> distance I can't
> be sure. and NO WAY am I going to go outside to take a closer 
> look. I'll
> stay home today. 
> In addition, since posting the invitation, both Fred and I have been
> receiving a host of ideas and recommendations as to how and why 
> we could,
> should, and would be able to include righties. Here are just a 
> few of the
> over 129 ideas that have come our way from righties: 
> * Righties allowed to attend if they promise not to eat. but 
> just to
> listen
> * Righties allowed to attend, but sit at a different table 
> * Righties allowed to attend because they're married to 
> someone who is
> left-handed 
> * Righties allowed to attend if they would try to eat left-handed,
> regardless of the mess it could create
> The argument that we have the greatest difficulty dealing with 
> is the one of
> ambidexterity. 
> Each of us is ambidextrous, at least to some degree. There are 
> times that I
> pick up the TV remote with my right hand, because that's where my
> right-handed wife left it. But where exactly would we draw the 
> line? 50-50.
> 40-60. 80-20? It's a tough call. 
> Fortunately, as I'm writing this, "bribes" are beginning to 
> arrive promising
> everything from cash to vacations in the Bahamas. While they are 
> tempting(especially the vacation in the Bahamas), I don't think 
> that would be
> Gothamly. 
> Over the weekend, Fred and I met secretly at an undisclosed 
> location (the
> site of many secret meetings). 
> Trying to hold our ground that the purpose of the Lefty Group is 
> not to shun
> righties, but "to bring together those of us who are joined by a 
> commoncause," we debated the issue of how to include righties. 
> and, if we did, how
> we would go about deciding which righties could attend. and how 
> many. where
> they would sit (because we don't want bumping elbows). and a 
> number of other
> issues. 
> We entertained the notion of a random drawing. a contest of 
> skill such as
> crossing Madison Avenue during rush hour carrying a boiled egg 
> in a teaspoon
> -- left handed, of course. or a competition in which those who 
> wished to
> attend would write an essay (100 words or less) entitled, "I'm a 
> rightie,but I would like to attend the Lefty Group anyway 
> because." 
> At the end, we determined that we could not and would not make 
> this decision
> alone (especially given so much pressure from both sides) and 
> that we would
> seek the opinion of Gotham at-large to answer the question du 
> jour: Should
> righties be allowed to attend the Lefty Group. and, if so, 
> without causing
> further discrimination, pain, and anguish to righties, how would 
> we choose
> who. and how many? 
> In the meantime, we will continue to accept reservations for the 
> Lefty Group
> meeting from lefties only. Please follow the link below to 
> register. Perhaps
> the problem will resolve itself when the room fills with 
> lefties. HURRY. 
> Respectfully, 
> Gil Effron
> http://www.gothamnetworking.com/events/eventDetail.php?eventId=1878
> > pe=1> &eventType=1
> For additional information contact, contact me at. 
> Gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
> 347-920-3272
> Gil Effron
> Strategies For Growth
> 305 Madison Avenue, Suite 449
> New York, NY 10165
> gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
> 800-226-2428 or 347-920-3272
> Fax: 877-805-8037
> Mobile: 914-414-9245
> Don't Just WATCH THE GAP, Eliminate It!
> www.linkedin.com/in/gileffron
> http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Gil_Effron 
> _____ 
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