[Fredslist] An Open Letter to Gotham Righties

Gil Effron gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
Mon Feb 1 08:12:03 EST 2010

An Open Letter to Gotham Righties:

When Fred first asked me if I would coordinate the upcoming Lefty  
Group meeting at 12:30 p.m. at the Friars Club on Thursday, February  
18, it didn’t take but a moment for me to jump on board and agree to  

After all, I am left-handed and I did attend the last two Lefty Group  
events. I enjoyed the camaraderie and the fun. And, as mentioned in my  
initial invitation, it was a truly pleasure to sit around a crowded  
table where lefties and righties were not bumping elbows. We talked  
and laughed about the challenges left-handers face in our society  
where only about 10 to 12 percent of the population is left-handed.  
And we shared stories of our various left-handed adventures, both good  
and bad. (Contrary to popular opinion, we did not speak about righties  
behind their backs –– nor were we derogatory or condescending in any  

Little did I know that this upcoming event would create such upheaval  
throughout all of Gotham.

-- Currently, I’m openly being shunned on the subway.

-- I’m receiving at least a dozen anonymous emails every day from  
people I barely know urging me to “give up the fight for left-handed  
separatism” and learn to use my right hand.

-- I’m receiving hang-ups on my home phone throughout the night.  
(Thank heaven for caller ID. It’s someone named “Blocked.”)

-- Fred and I are being threatened with lawsuits for discrimination  
against righties.

-- Plus, and most painfully, we are being labeled as acting  
“unGothamly” and are being blamed for “creating conflict within the  

As I write this, a small crowd has gathered outside the main entrance  
to my apartment building in Riverdale. From the 16th  floor I’m barely  
able to make out the signs they’re carrying. But I think some say,  
“Righties Rule.” Another says, “Tear down that conflict wall.” But  
from this distance I can’t be sure… and NO WAY am I going to go  
outside to take a closer look. I'll stay home today.

In addition, since posting the invitation, both Fred and I have been  
receiving a host of ideas and recommendations as to how and why we  
could, should, and would be able to include righties. Here are just a  
few of the over 129 ideas that have come our way from righties:

n     Righties allowed to attend if they promise not to eat… but just  
to listen

n     Righties allowed to attend, but sit at a different table

n     Righties allowed to attend because they’re married to someone  
who is left-handed

n     Righties allowed to attend if they would try to eat left-handed,  
regardless of the mess it could create

The argument that we have the greatest difficulty dealing with is the  
one of ambidexterity.

Each of us is ambidextrous, at least to some degree. There are times  
that I pick up the TV remote with my right hand, because that’s where  
my right-handed wife left it. But where exactly would we draw the  
line? 50-50… 40-60… 80-20? It’s a tough call.

Fortunately, as I’m writing this, “bribes” are beginning to arrive  
promising everything from cash to vacations in the Bahamas. While they  
are tempting (especially the vacation in the Bahamas), I don’t think  
that would be Gothamly.

Over the weekend, Fred and I met secretly at an undisclosed location  
(the site of many secret meetings).

Trying to hold our ground that the purpose of the Lefty Group is not  
to shun righties, but “to bring together those of us who are joined by  
a common cause,” we debated the issue of how to include righties… and,  
if we did, how we would go about deciding which righties could attend…  
and how many… where they would sit (because we don’t want bumping  
elbows)… and a number of other issues.

We entertained the notion of a random drawing… a contest of skill such  
as crossing Madison Avenue during rush hour carrying a boiled egg in a  
teaspoon –– left handed, of course… or a competition in which those  
who wished to attend would write an essay (100 words or less)  
entitled, “I’m a rightie, but I would like to attend the Lefty Group  
anyway because…”

At the end, we determined that we could not and would not make this  
decision alone (especially given so much pressure from both sides) and  
that we would seek the opinion of Gotham at-large to answer the  
question du jour: Should righties be allowed to attend the Lefty  
Group… and, if so, without causing further discrimination, pain, and  
anguish to righties, how would we choose who… and how many?

In the meantime, we will continue to accept reservations for the Lefty  
Group meeting from LEFTIES ONLY. Please follow the link below to  
register. Perhaps the problem will resolve itself when the room fills  
with lefties. HURRY.


Gil Effron


For additional information contact, contact me at…
Gil at strategiesforgrowth.net

Gil Effron
Strategies For Growth
305 Madison Avenue, Suite 449
New York, NY 10165

gil at strategiesforgrowth.net
800-226-2428 or 347-920-3272
Fax: 877-805-8037
Mobile: 914-414-9245

Don't Just WATCH THE GAP, Eliminate It!



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