[Fredslist] Re: Housing help for a transitioning transwoman

Willa N. France poetadmiral at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 23 17:22:32 EDT 2010

I have a very brave Hasidic friend in Brooklyn who is about to reveal to his wife and family that he is transgender and will be transitioning to female as well as leaving his religious life behind. He is not quite certain when he will make this announcement but anticipates being thrown out of his house when he does. So, he is looking for short-term lodging in Brooklyn (Williamsburgh is where he now lives)available on very short notice. If anyone can help please let me know so I can pass the info on. (E-mail is best since I am away from yhome for the next two weeks.) Thank you all.


Willa N. France
poetadmiral at earthlink.net

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