[Fredslist] Jobs for Camp lovers in NYC at Bunk1.com

Jill Tipograph/Everything Summer jill at everythingsummer.com
Mon Aug 16 16:24:29 EDT 2010

If you know anyone from NYC area (or willing to move to NYC) that you think
might be a good fit for this Bunk1.com job description, please email resume
to Ed Metzendorf, Ed at Bunk1.com (not me): 

Two positions, one junior (could be recent/new college grad) and one senior
(5+ years experience):
Associate and Senior Product Managers, Bunk1.com

The associate product manager will work with our sales, marketing, product
development, and customer service and support teams on our newest product
line, Bunk1 DB. 

Responsibilities will include, but not be limited to; providing demos for
potential  customers, tracking and executing sales strategy, and completing
sales; assisting  customers in product setup and implementation; supporting
customers in using the product;  distilling customer feedback and making
product enhancement recommendations and other  product development.

You must have the ability to easily interface with both customers and other
members of the team, including our developers.

This is a small company and your work will have a direct impact on the
success of the company, and may include work on other products or services.
Candidates must be self-starting, able to handle multiple responsibilities,
and have a strong desire for 'getting things right.'  Strong Word and Excel
skills required.  The ideal candidate will be smart, tech-savvy, and have
summer camp experience (long-time camper, staff member, or administrator

Jill Tipograph
Everything Summer, LLC
jill at everythingsummer.com
Author of Your Everything Summer Guide & Planner
Connect with me on:
Twitter <http://twitter.com/jilltipograph> 


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